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English Question Bank
for Exam preparation

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Next August, while you ______ for your exams, I ______ on a Mediterranean beach.
  1. are preparing / will be
  2. were preparing / would be
  3. prepare / will be
  4. were preparing / was

Q2. “Fantastic! I’ve actually passed my exam!” exclaimed Janet. Janet was delighted to find that _______.

  1. I’d passed my exam
  2. I’ve passed my exam
  3. she’s passed her exam
  4. she’d passed her exam
Correct Answer

Q3. That is the film ______.

  1. it is about Turkish people
  2. we are liked
  3. I watched last week
  4. it is a western
Correct Answer

Q4. He ______ out of the window for a moment and then went on working.

  1. glanced
  2. viewed
  3. glimpsed
  4. regarded
Correct Answer

Q5. I’d like to go to the concert, but I haven’t got a ticket. If I ______ a ticket, I ______ go to It.

  1. had / will
  2. have / will
  3. will have / can
  4. had / could
Correct Answer

Q6. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** Puppies lived in a DOG-HOUSE.

  1. kennel
  2. barn
  3. cave
  4. box
  5. garage
Correct Answer

Q7. Mrs Raven isn't capable of controlling the class. She is so timid she wouldn't say ……… .

  1. kill the fatted cow
  2. put the cat among the pigeons
  3. boo to a goose
  4. cry wolf
Correct Answer

Q8. Sam couldn't get a word in edgeways because Cindy was

  1. playing music
  2. listening too much
  3. talking too much
Correct Answer

Q9. Elephants are not really very savage animals, but occasionally they can be in a very bad temper. Their most dangerous habit at such moments is to pick up, with their trunk, a large stick or stone, and throw it with great force at someone standing nearby. When this happens the only thing anyone can do, is to jump quickly out of the way. ---------- When an elephant is in a bad temper _____.

  1. it may try to hurt someone.
  2. it moves its trunk from side to side.
  3. one shouldn’t throw stones at it.
  4. one should keep perfectly still.
  5. it never shows it.
Correct Answer

Q10. In about forty years’ time we’ll probably ______ on pills.

  1. be living
  2. have been living
  3. have been lived
  4. have lived
Correct Answer

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